Stop Work Order

NYC Stop Work Order Removal

Our Services

Facing a stop work order in NYC?

  • We have extensive experience navigating the complexities of stop-work order removal and have successfully helped countless clients get their stop-work orders rescinded. We can provide step-by-step guidance to help you achieve a successful outcome.

  • Trust us to get you back to work as quickly as possible.

Get a Free Consultation !

Stop Work Order

Sometimes, someone gets caught "red-handed," meaning the DOB inspector at the time of the site visit witnesses active work happening without a job filing and permits, for example, in the middle of a gut renovation or an illegal extension.

In addition to serving violations, the DOB will issue a stop work order (usually a full stop work order).

a building in Brooklyn under Construction

Now What?

  1. That prohibits any work from continuing and stays in effect until the DOB removes it. Plans usually must be drawn up, approved and permits pulled.

  2. And before work resumes, a DOB stop work order rescinds inspection must take place to make sure work was not continued after the stop work order was issued.

Sounds complicated?

*It is. But thats what we are here for.


Phone: 347 856-7218


Address: 1525 East 10th Street, Brooklyn NY 11230

Office Hours

Sunday: 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Friday: 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Saturday: Closed